Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Adult Headshots

When Allan, my husband was asked to provide
 "Professional Quality" head shots, he knew exactly who to go to. 
Funny enough, I had never done HIS head shots before. 
I take photos of him all the time and even portraits, when on location for a family shoots. 
I even used him as my model for school projects, back when I was studying photography. 
But I have never set aside time to shoot only him! 
So last month, I set up to do just that... Here are a few of my favorites:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Baby Connor - 2/10/2012

Last week, I had the pleasure of photographing Baby Connor.
This little one is the baby brother of Chase and Jordan, 
twins I have worked with (as an occupational therapist) in the past.
Connor was just a week old when I took these photos and was not in the mood for sleep! He even had his eyes opened most of the time and was much happier in his mommy's arms than posing for me...
Which happens a lot during newborn sessions! So I decided to just go with the flow and managed to capture some great facial expressions!
Here are some of my favorites:

And finally, at the end of the session, Connor fell asleep! 
What a beautiful little angel!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

League Cup - AYSO U10 Girls EXTRA Team

Last week end was the beginning of League Cup for the AYSO program. 
The Canyon Country U10 Girls Extra team played one game, on Sunday. 
They played in Moorpark against Camarillo who finished in first place during the regular season. 
The girls played well... very well! 
The score was still 0-0 coming into the fourth quarter. 
Unfortunately, with only a few minutes left in the game, the referee called for a foul inside the keeper's box, resulting in a penalty kick for the other team; 
they scored and Canyon Country ended up losing 1-0. 
This was still quite an achievement and coaches, players and parents 
were very proud of the way they played. 
Here are a few photos from that game:
To view more photos from the game and from other games played by the Canyon Country AYSO U10 Girls EXTRA team, visit my website: Nathalie Seguin Photography

Friday, January 13, 2012

Legacy Volleyball Club - Boys U14

Legacy Volleyball Club's Boys U14 team played in their first tournament of the season 
this past Saturday, January 7th, 2012. 
The boys were nervous and started off a little confused, but quickly got into the game. 
Despite the fact that they won only one game and lost all their matches, 
they showed improvement and finished much stronger than they began. 
They even kept up with the best team of their pool, losing both games 25-17 and 25-18, 
to the surprise of the parents! 
Here are a few photos from that day:
 All 9 boys on the team were excited. They played great and showed their potential. But most of all they all played with a smile on their faces!
To see more photos from that day, please visit: Nathalie Seguin Photography

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Headshots 01/06/2012

Got a new camera for Christmas and I have been playing around with it to get used to it. 
One of the feature on the camera is the ability to use the pop up flash as a transmitter for another flash, enabling wireless flash photography. 
I am not a big fan of flashes and prefer using natural light whenever possible. 
But having the ability to use a flash off camera is a major asset. 
So last Friday, I set up my external flash to fire remotely 
and decided to have a little impromptu photo session. 
My subjects: Nicholas, Anthony and Christina A.K.A my own kids. 
After all, they were available and I thought it was time to get some new head shots anyways. 
So here are a few of my favorite images from that session:
To see more photos from this session, visit my website at: http://www.nathaliseguinphotography.com