Monday, January 18, 2010

"We Are Family" - iheartfaces contest

This week at iheartfaces it's "We Are Family" week. I have a lot of family portraits of other family's but I have to admit that my own family portraits usually consists of my three kids! Sometimes, the dogs are included and once in a while, my husband makes an appearance in the picture! This one was taken on his birthday... he didn't have much choice but to be included! One of my New Year's resolution is to include myself into more photos. But in the mean time, here is my family: Christina, Anthony, Allan and Nicholas.

To see more wonderful family pictures, come on over to


  1. It's hard to step away from the back of the camera, huh?! That is a beautiful picture and you have a beautiful family!

  2. great photo. love it!

  3. One to treasure! I hope you stick to your resolution-you won't regret it in the long run! =)

  4. everyone looks SO happy, what a great moment to capture :)

  5. a good resolution to have. Great pictures

  6. what a beautiful family! wonderful capture too!
